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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  February 12, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you, trey. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, have a great week ahead, until next week you can find us on-line or podcast, good night from south carolina. "life, liberty and levin" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, impacter levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." welcome. we have two great guests, steven a smith and mike pompeo. two great gift guests, but first. the greatest threat we face in this country i mean it, it the democrat party and
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its radicalism. the war on constitutionalism and national sovereignty and capitalism and classroom and parents, and sp free speech. almost an ale alien party if you will. there another grave threat we face. because of its association and attac attachment to the democrat party, i hate to see this as someone who spent part of his career, of department of justice. we have to fear federal law enforcement. in specific, the u.s. department of justice and fbi, which is a piece of the department of justice. first, i wanting to make a recommendation to you, each and every morn.
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that each of you file a freedom of information act request with the department of justice and fbi for any information that government might be keeping on you. with all of these stories of big tech and fbi. working together. and the massive databases now, and monitoring that is taking place. you may not believe it, because many of you most of you are patriots. but you may have a file. ask for it. they will try to do is change you a fortune. i'm asking republicans in house at least to start process of exempting any fees and costs whatsoever of any citizen who seeks through the freedom of information act and information they the federal government might be keeping on them. that will keep them busy a while, it will teach them a lesson. don't just gather information of law abiding citizens, you should find out what they have on you.
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what else should republican in congress do? whether in minority or majority. i am serious about this. as someone who worked at that department. they should slash the department of justice's think tbudget by 20%. it is growing too big, too fast, they are not doing their job, chinese government is running away with technology, and secrets, maybe they are too busy focusing on us. the funds should be transferred to border patrol and i.c.e. to secure the border, keep foreigners out of this s cr country who we don't know anything about. the fbi won't do it border patrol and i.c.e. will. fbi needs to be reorganized with a look at its various missions. history of civil liberties
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violations, goes back decades. and right now, it is taking place as well. fbi pro should be prohibited from investigating electoral challenges, like they are now. concocting laws, taking laws that are 100 years old. they are investigating republican state legislatures and republican state legislators, taking cell phones away from republican members of congress, violating attorney-client privilege of 7 attorneys who are targeted. we cannot allowance fbi and department of justice politicized on behalf of the democrat party to get involved in challenges to elections, elections can be ugly, challenges can be ugly. this is a purely political process, in the end congress makes final determination, not grand juries controlled
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by democrats, this needs to be an area where fbi, department of justice, u.s. attorneys cannot go. the attorney general. should be think subjected to removal by no confidence vote of congress, it is too difficult to impeachment an attorney general, he is not in the constitution, this position of created by congress, 1789, george washington had first attorney general, department of justice itself. institution, was not created until 1870. under proposal of grant. we need to make modifications to it. and attorney general is powerful. he is unelected. you can see what this attorney general garland has done with that power, there should be ability for congress that has the final say on how to government it set up, and first say to
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have a no confidence vote, perhaps majority vote to pre pre-- remove an attorney general, there should be term limits for federal judges, i write about it in my first book. "men in black." i have concluded there needs to be across the board for federal judges. it needs to happen. we need to amend the constitution to do that. republicans in house should begin pushing, persuading the american people over a period of time this needs to be done. in israel they are reforming their judicial and legal system. the oligarchs to the left are going nuts and attacking them, too bad. we have seen the corruption. fbi, using twitter, going tfgoogle and
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twitter facebook. interference with elections, russia collusion, and it planted stories it leaked lies. it concocted and created documents, in 2020, the fbi interfered meetings with big tech to cover-up hunter biden laptop story. twice. and they interfered with midterm elections this time by withholding fact there were classified documents to joe biden was holding illegally, they kept that secret. for at least several months, fbi has falsified evidence, to the secret court the fisa court that whole thing needs to be looked at and fbi most likely monitoring you, in one form or another. the department of justice has targeted parent was at school board meeting and targeted pro life activists. political lawsuit have been brought gain the georgia
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legislator and voting bill. against texas and abortion bill. and investigating republicans state legislators and legislatures as i mentioned, investigating republican members of congress, for daring to challenge the 2020 election activities. yet they refuse to enforce the i'm f immunity br-- immigration laws and refuse to prosecute radical pro abortion protesters. department of justice cover-up for the biden crime family, refuses to appoint a special counsel on their foreign dealings in transfer of tens of millions of dollars, directly and indirectly to joe biden and his family. remember this server issue with donald trump? to joe biden, as i said cover-up, fbi did not investigate or even do the
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searches, it left it to the private lawyers kurk imagine. -- can you imagine that. hillary clinton and her server in her home, she had thousands of government e-mails, as well as classify the information. and much of it was destroyed. and they still didn't send in an fbi s.w.a.t. team. what is that about? but, donald trump gets the trump treatment. s.w.a.t. teams, warrants, armed fbi agents. threats of obstruction. when they in fact they were negotiating with the department of the justice for a few months on who should get what documents. so, january 6. an insurrection they say? does anyone remember when the white house was attacked over 50 secret service personnel were injured? does anyone remember that donald trump had to be
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rushed to the nuclear bunker under the white house because there were efforts to breach the fence at house or the damage done at lafayette park and historic st. john's church. does anyone remember that? how come that is not an insurrection? because the fa fbi, department of the justice and democrats and media want you to forget about it there needs to be a complete overhaul of our legal and judicial system. it is taking place in israel today. elites self appointed and judicial oligarchs are resisting like hell, and liberal parties are resisting like hell, but netanyahu and his government said we were elected to fix things and we're fixing things. we need more than rules changes in the house, we
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need serious changes in the government. biden is packing the courts, federal court of throughout the country. with extreme radicals at a record pace. why? he is not looking for objective impartial judges, he is looking to push an an agenda, woodrow wrote, the way you change your country is through the up elected body the courts. the u.s. attorneys offices we wfiefdoms of abuse. department of justice is a democrat party strong hold, using law to impose critical race theory. undermining police officers and targets republican legislatures, sitting see silently while the borders are wide open, and attorney-client privilege
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for certain lawyers, and be on. outrageous. citizens are entrapped, held without trials and solitaire confinement in dc, g.o.p. members of en congress are having their cell phones confiscated and judges upholding sly -- it is outrageous, no more lifetime appointments. crime street crime is going through the the roof this system must be overhauled. federal law enforcement. federal judiciary, and congress has the power to do it. i just want to point this out to you. under the judiciary acts that have taken place since the beginning of off nation, congress has determined how many judges there are, what districts the courts are, how many appellate courts and how many members, they created the department of justice, they created the
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federal bureau of investigation, and they created the civil service, and created whole thing. it is long pastime that it get a very close examination and that it get a very strong overhaul. if not now, when? i'll be right back. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. chevy silverado factory-lifted trucks. where will they take you? ♪
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mark: welcome back america, i am here with st stephen a. smith. he is a good friend of mine. he has a fantastic best selling book, in. straight shooter. stephen a. smith. let me ask you. first question. a lots of politics in sports. is that a good or bad thing? >> it depends on circumstances. i think that i'm not ad vo kate of athletes shutting up and dribble. when you speak on issues you have to have an idea what
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you are talking about. not beyond pale for others not wanting them to do so if they have something to say, but wanting them to be quiet if tthey are talking can be talking. with today's modern day at least, the money out there and relationship cultivated between then and a advertise ors and sponsors and belief how that impacts the society, it is important if you ask them to be all those things, to sell product and what have you, they have a right to speak on state of affairs in our society, they just need to know what they are talking about and be fair minded. mark: do y think with communist china there is a bit of hypocrisy in terms of criticism of our country and government with silence and communist china.
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>> we could make that argument. here is my issue. you talk about the athlete themselves, like when phil mickelson and these guys got involved with liv golf, and golfers were willing to do business with saudi arabia. the american people needs to understand it far easier to hold someone like phil mickelson or others accountable. our government does business with these people. if you are so abhorred and find it so reprehensible, to do business with these country as individual and you have people that want to bring the hammer down on these folks that decide to earn a living doing business withne these folks, then why are we not holding our government. we are holding people accountable they have nothing to to with raising
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our taxes or protecting our borders and or with the economy. with inflation and all of these things, education and welfare reform, and on. they are just athletes. out there performing and trying to entertain and make an honest living,. we would hold them accountable? but politics who are supposed to pr prioritize these and legislate our live lives and govern our lives, oh, they get do business with these folk? there is something h hypocritical with that, that ised where the argument comes in. if you are no o. mark: that is pretty good, but my problem. if you are silent about communist china or saudi
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arabia. and trash the united states that is my problem. i don't mind that you make money. but i do mind that the greatest country in face of earth with all of its imperfections is not communist china or saudi arabia. if you kisse kiss their butt or not say, whether it is golf or basketball players. >> i don't disagree. i want you to understand that there is a difference in your level of thinking compared to some people on the right who express themselves, you are talking about consistency. you say if you will feel this way, about the united states, this country, about your own nation. feel that way about china. feel that way about saudi arabia. feel that way about anyone
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else who liver under a different umbrella and let's not even get into human rights violations that u.s. is not associated with, you are talking about consistency that different, some people on right who are willing to say, just because you a are an athlete, shut up and dribble. we don't care what you have to say, what you say does not matter. they want to cherry pick who they want to talk and who they don't want to talk and when. that is something that we should not go for in our society. mark: fair enough. my attitude did that, it is the market system, if you don't like a player or a team, then don't watch them. and by the way. shut up and dribble that is a tough line to a football player. >> right. mark: you have a fantastic
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book. straight shooter. you use your life really to project positions and arguments and understanding about life generally speaking. it is about you, it is about more than you. i interviewed you on the radio, i said, that book really -- what comes to mine are three words the american dream when we come back, have you been living american dream? you started with nothing. now look, you are known everywhere you go. you are a wealthy man. you are a person that people wanting to hear. i know -- not as wealthy as we want to be. >> not wealthy. mark: you are -- very important, you are like the icon sports break broadcaster. but you reach beyond that. when we come back, this great book, straight shooter by stephen a. smith, i want
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jon: this is fox news alert, i am jon scott in new york. a flying object invading skies high above north america, again, u.s. fighter jets, downing another item today. they closed airspace above michigan, and sent is crashing into lake huron. it has yet to be determined if they are balloons like that in south carolina of last week. today's marks third such action by american war jets in as many days, one object brought to down over alaska friday, another beyond yesterday in canada, origin not yet been made public, analyst and u.s. and canada
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hope to learn more whns they once in a recovered and examined. i am jon scott, now back to "life, liberty and levin." mark: welcome back america. with stephen a. smith, the book you can get on social sites or, out right now. hottest book. that is out there. because it is very meaningful book, a substantive book. sport, yes, but more. i would argue american dream. what would you say. >> i would say the american dream. i have been the book, i wrote every record of it. i did an audio book. to make sure people know it is me. in my voice. that i was attached to this 100%. i have been -- i'm on tv two hours a day m minimum live on espn every weekday.
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and i write. i take those recognizing fact that people know me and my voice. if it were someone else they would have known. and the american dream, i dream, there are stars and super stars in the nation they are the american fantasy turned to reality, i consider myself american dream, anyone can be me, you can get left back in fourth grade and have reading comprehensive issues or can be d d destined to be someone not going anywhere in life but you scratched your way through. i was not a super at athlete, or rap artist or
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someone destined, i do the merhere the old fashion way, i put my head down and got to work, if i can do it, anyone can do it, that is the message i want to send, you can pull it off, if you are dedicate yourself and focus, don't think you know every damn thing because you don't, figure it out, go there from. mark: if the book, you believe in god, your mother had a huge impact on your life. you think about her every day. tell us about that. >> i consider my mother to be the greatest woman that i have known to take care of 6 of us, because of my father's negligence, resonated in a fashion that you look at her and you marveled at her greatness and commitment to making sure that all 6 of her children were g going to be okay, to think about what she sacrificed
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for he me to be sitting here with you today, that is why she is with me. i know i would not be here without you, you look at those values, i got fired by espn in 2009, i was blaming everyone else. my mother blamed me and challenge need look in the mirror and look at myself and recognize what i did wrong, my lack of accountability. you she knew all that about her son. and that knew i needed to be better, she was always proud of me, but in the same breath she never allow need get complacent and felt that i arrived. there were things, she was not just talking about work but life, a person. a good person, make a difference in the society and do the rit right thing
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for the collect of whole. mark: the book, straight shooter by stephen a. smith it is a fantastic book. you can get it on amazon or major bookstore. what do you think your appeal is is a cross races, faiths, geography. people wanting to hear your take, the first take is the big show on espn, i bring you on radio, i ask you about the baseball and basketball you are like the rain man but the way you express it. >> i talk fast. i am confident in my ability to articulate my thoughts. i think that the other thing and i'm fearless in saying what i think needs to be said no matter how controversial or -- they
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come to play, but, people look at my humanity and knows that it has not left me. in the process of me co -- expressing those things, i might express thing and hell i might disagree with great mon mark levin, but i am not character assassinating you, i don't ci c condemn you because i don't feel the way you feel on this issue, we're all committed to making the world's better place, you can can't commit if you are unfair and inhumane, you have to be better, people i think no matter what kind of criticisms or things i may say and holding people accountable, for what they do. at the end of the day i'm the same person that you can pick up phone and say, i need your help, i'll be
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there if you can help, that is the right thing to do, people in the st sports industry have seen this from me time against no matter who athletes, coaches, owners, the list goes on they are support i was straight shooter, shaquille o'neal promoted by book, and adam silvers congratulated me to that the list goes on. they are not doing things like this, steph curry congratulated my. you are not doing spuf stuff like that for people's whose humanity you question, you do it because you know their heart is in the right place, they are trying to make their contribution to make the world's better place, we all have that obligation. mark: beyond those stupor ssuper stars, i'm
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promoting your book. >> yes, you are. mark: you will love the book, get to know stephen a. smith in ways you have never known him before, you will like him 100 times more seeis a great guy, he is great at sports, he is great at life, you should replace one of those nighttime hosts, you know worth of three, they sound a like and they say the name damn thing. -- say the same i damn thing, you do not you are compelling. >> i appreciate it thank you so much, hon or honored to be on your show. mark: my honor, and god bless you, >> god. bless.te mark: we'll be rightsts back. d-n for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face,
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mark: welcome back america. we have with us now one of greatest athletes -- i'm kidding we have now. honestly, one of the great
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secretaries of state, mike pompeo. has written a fantastic book. never stop the nicing for fights for the america that i love. mike pompeo quietly behind the scenes, most of the time was duking it out with our enemies and even with punitive allies. to try to achieve many things. mr. secretary, we don't have theuf enough time to hit every at aspect of the book, that is why i want people to read it you have seconds of the book that are re-- sections of back that are remarkable. you wanted to meet with governor's association, you have trouble getting into that meeting. then, you get there they give you time, tell us about that meeting. >> mark thank you. >> thank you for the kind
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words. you are right, i am not the greatest athlete. i had a privilege to search for 4 years. chinese communist party presents singular great threat from outside of the country. i came to learn through classify the information that chinese communist party was tracking all 50 of our governors and great detail and evaluating them, giving them a rating. rating. i have seen that governor association was having a meeting in washington, d.c., i called then governor larry hogan, and then governor of cuomo asked for 20 minutes, i don't think they could figure out why secretary of state wanted to come, but when i was there, it was a sleepy saturday ar afternoon, i told them i had a recently declassified report where chinese communist party was tracking, them, following
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them, evaluating them, every one of them wanted to see what i had in my hand that sends message this is not over there it is in the gates, they are tracking a lot of americans in the business world. and senior leaders in government not just federal, they are working to godo propaganda and collect secrets, we have to do better, that day i alerted governors to that risk. mark: you dealt with leadership of that regime, what did you make of it? are they cold-hearted, power hungry. >> all. cocold harted, power hungry, they don't give a whip about human rights it all about power and making xi jinping calls it the great struggle.
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to build what they call middle kingdom, that is middle of this earth. he is consolidated power in ways no leader in 40 years have consolidated his intention with respect to u.s., clear. and they have a lot of problem in china we need to exacerbate them and defend our own way of life here, if we don't get this right, our kids and grand kids will live in a country that looks more like theirs than ours. >> they are a greater threat than old soviet union was, arethey are ste strategic about surrounding will united states they are building military arsenals, that is reach the united states it is not just proxi wars and satellites is it? >> you have to right.
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it is bigger, the primary confrontation battlefield is when we didn't have. it is economic, they stolen tens of thousands of jobs from the american people. and billions of dollar worth of intellectual property, it is inside the gates too. in book i talk about the spying operation that was conducted out of chinese consulate. their diplomatic facility in houston texas. we had known about that for a long time, they were operating the single largest spying operation in the united states we k knew it but didn't do anything about dwe didn't want to anger them, you saw an administration, acknowledge the risk from chinese communist party and push back on 50 years of american weakness with respect to it. mark: the book, never give an inch, fighting for the america that i love, when we come back, mr. secretary.
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you had the -- a eagle's eye seat of what was taking place. what do you make of biden administration and what they are doing? are they unraveling the progress you made? we'll be right back. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby
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mark: welcome back america, we're with former secretary of state mike pompeo. fantastic book, "never give an inch: fighting for the america i love." you are will love this book. you can get it at, any major bookstore. mr. secretary, given what you and president trump accomplished. you see what is taking place now. what do you make of it. >> i'm heart broken, not for me. not about any personal accomplishment but american is more at risk today as result that president biden has unwound a number of things we did, we built out historic agreements, the abraham accords, and this president came in and reengaged in iran, and we cconfronted china for first time, he worked hard to make sure the work we did
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in afghanistan for 20 years was protected, president biden just picked a d date, and killed 13 americans, and put the world in risk, he pushed back on russia. making sure that vladimir putin did not invade ukraine on our watch. then, within a handful of months after we left office he moved again, this is absence of american d des-- deterrents and american leadership. mark: china is building up, they are not stopping, they are more encouraged than before, they are building up military might. using a lot of a armaments now, joe biden does not propose a budget for defense department that is comee --
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with what we is doing. >> that concerns me. we'll have few are ships in 5 years. we will have few are capabilities in space, than we had, not just the absolute magnitude but you get it right, president biden has gotten it wrong, he is talking about shrinking scale of the defense department, and told a group of hold soldiers we'll have every military vehicle green. that is disconnected from protecting and spreferring preserving our nation. you can read about it, there not a chance that chinese military are doing that. we need to make sure our military is sized correctly, and shaped correctly. to protect the things that
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matter most to us. mark: you know. secretary pompeo, you are raised in the midwest. those are the kind of values, background and patriotism you bring to the table. you look at the country today, what is going on, you talk about the wokism, act on our history and our classrooms, joe biden keeps trashing our nation left and right. systematically racist, an irony given his early career. it has to be troubling to you. >> it is. i'm disturbed by what he is doing in terms of keeping us safe abroad and undermining the central values that made this country the most extension in the world, when i was secretary of state, people wanted to see me, not mike pompeo but america's
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secretary of state, they knew we were good. they knew we were powerful, and they knew and respected the leadership here. none of those last two exist today. we're still fa fam fundamentally good but we're teaching kids in our schools our system was founded on racism, this is gaslighting, this is a great nation, i watch this administration underundermine that and apologize for america in the world, i know it makes the life of my children, and i pray some day i have grandchildren, it makes their life less secure. mark: a fantastic book that covers so many areas you are inrferlare -- interested in "never give an inch: fighting for the america i love." you know secretary pompeo. he is a great patriot. has done great things for the country, you can get if on, get it right
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away, mr. secretary thank you so much for coming on. >> mark, bless you, thank you, have a good evening. >> god bless you, we'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back america, our two great guests stephen a. smith and mike pompeo, different backgrounds, different career paths, two successful men. both of whom love america. they are products of the american dream. the american system. product of individual liberty and capitalism, and our great constitution. that is what i'm committed to defending, that is what this program is always going to be about. two men with different backgrounds, highly successful. is that not what america is all about? your own families? families of others.?
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people from all corners of the world legally and making success of themselves or not, but being free, to pursue that which motivates them. that is what we're all about here. folks. i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin." >> breaking tonight yes another one the senior pentagon official says yet another ufo has been shot down by the us military this time over lake huron in michigan. the pentagon says it is likely that not yet confirmed that the latest object is the same one they shut down yesterday picking up on radar over montana. the michigan congressman said it had the octagonal structure flying a


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